We are intrigued to see how companies adjust their level business missions to fit into a model of sustainability. Being a medium sized family business, we have always worked with anglers of the small community of the island of Cape Sable Island. Sustainability is in our DNA by default. It is also natural to us as breathing! We live by the ocean and with labor provided by the community. In return, the community relies on Sea Star to provide employment, support the local economy and pack the fish it catches. We did not need a study or group discussion to determine how we are environmentally friendly. This was our way of living in the past, the present and will continue to be in the future.
Durabilité Sociale
Sustainable development does not stop at the ocean. Every business vis-à-vis the community responsibility, employees and the environment. We are proud of our little piece of land and we strive to make it a better place to live. Our way of doing this is to lead by example. We actively organize local races, volunteering, we support local teams and encourage others to do the same. To respect the environment, we have taken steps to reduce our carbon footprint by implementing energy efficiency measures in our facilities. After all, you reap what you sow.
The foundation of our business is based on quality. We could lose a sale because of the price, but we are confident that we will never lose in because of the quality. With our production facility a few meters from our head office, we can get our hands on the production, ensuring that the packaged product is one that we could take home to eat ourselves. With all this talk about sustainability, hundreds of certifications, many rankings and listings, we believe that the truth about the quality has been lost. A list of “good choice” does not guarantee a beautiful product. We work hard to find the best quality possible outcome of sustainable fisheries worldwide. Let’s be honest, our only job as a producer is to give our customers a product that will make them come back for years to come. This is our definition of true sustainability.